
movaverse – the social media network for mova.

In the movaverse:

  • You can talk to other unit leaders, chefs and rovers
  • You can send and receive pictures and videos
  • You learn everything about mova and you’re always up to date

This is how it works

What is the movaverse?

We admit it, we didn’t invent it. It’s a Discord server. Discord is a messaging and chat app that you can use as a desktop app or on your smartphone.

Who is the movaverse mandatory for?

Download the Discord app and become part of the movaverse if you…

… are a rover in mova

… are a unit leader (or representative) in mova

For you, important information will run through the movaverse, and you will also have the opportunity to exchange with each other or ask questions.

Why is the movaverse needed?

In the movaverse, you can connect with other people, exchange among the units, ask questions, and help each other.

Thanks to the Discord server, we don’t need to use traditional social media for this exchange.

You only need someone’s scout name, and you can find each other. And the good thing about it: the more people there are, the easier it gets.

Rules in movaverse

  • Log in with your scout name (other usernames are not accepted).

  • Are you a unit leader? Register with your unit number.

  • The movaverse is a pure exchange platform for participants and rovers of mova. For questions and feedback about the organisation of mova, please contact the office

  • In movaverse, we respect the camp rules and the scout law.

  • Remember to set your chats to private.

And this is how you get there...

  • Download the Discord app (desktop or mobile)
  • Register with scout name and verify email
  • Join the mova-Server, Rover-Channel and (if on-site before 22.07.) “aufbau_montage”   – Discord – movaverse
  • Create channels for exchange among each other